Browse Definitions :

Browse Definitions by Alphabet


  • G-Cloud (Government Cloud) - Government Cloud, also referred to as G-Cloud, is a U.
  • G-code - G-code (also known as RS-274) is the name of the most prevalent programming language for computer numerical control (CNC) in computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM).
  • GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) - GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) is a collection of commonly followed accounting rules and standards for financial reporting.
  • GAFA (the big four) - GAFA is an acronym for Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon (the second and fourth companies are sometimes reversed in order).
  • gag order - A gag order is a stipulation that those so-ordered will not divulge information learned in a particular situation, such as a court, a public office or a corporate environment.
  • gallium arsenide (GaAs) - Gallium arsenide (chemical formula GaAs) is a semiconductor compound used in some diode s, field-effect transistors (FETs), and integrated circuits (ICs).
  • gallium arsenide field-effect transistor (GaAsFET) - A gallium arsenide field-effect transistor (GaAsFET) is a specialized type of field-effect transistor (FET) that is used in amplifier circuits at very-high, ultra-high, and microwave radio frequencies.
  • gamification - Gamification is a strategy that integrates entertaining and immersive gaming elements into nongame contexts to enhance engagement and motivate certain behaviors.
  • gamification - Gamification is a strategy that integrates entertaining and immersive gaming elements into nongame contexts to enhance engagement and motivate certain behaviors.
  • gaming - Gaming is playing an electronic video game, which is often done on a dedicated gaming console, PC or smartphone.
  • gaming disorder - Gaming disorder is the obsessive and compulsive overuse of internet games and video games as an escape from life, resulting in the prioritization of gaming over daily activities and interests and the continuation of gaming despite the negative consequences that may occur.
  • Gantt chart - A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart developed as a production control tool in 1917 by Henry L.
  • gap analysis - A gap analysis is a method of assessing the performance of a business unit to determine whether business requirements or objectives are being met and, if not, what steps should be taken to meet them.
  • garbage collection (GC) - Garbage collection (GC) is a memory recovery feature built into programming languages such as C# and Java.
  • garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) - Garbage in, garbage out, or GIGO, refers to the idea that in any system, the quality of output is determined by the quality of the input.
  • Gartner - Gartner is an IT research firm and consultancy, formerly known as Gartner Group.
  • Gartner Hype Cycle - The Gartner Hype Cycle is a graphical representation of the lifecycle stages a technology goes through from the initial development to its commercial availability and adoption, as well as its eventual decline and obsolescence.
  • gas - A gas is a substance that is in a gaseous, or vaporous, state of matter.
  • gated content / ungated content - Gated content is online materials, such as white papers, articles or videos, that require the user to fill out a form before they can access them.
  • gatekeeper - A gatekeeper is a management tool for H.
  • gateway - A gateway is a network node used in telecommunications that connects two networks with different transmission protocols together.
  • Gbps (billions of bits per second) - Gbps stands for billions of bits per second and is a measure of bandwidth on a digital data transmission medium such as optical fiber.
  • GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network) - GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network) is an internet-based network that enables trading partners to exchange product-identification data in a standardized way in real time.
  • Genchi Genbutsu - Genchi Genbutsu is the Japanese principle of going to and directly observing a location and its conditions in order to understand and solve any problems faster and more effectively.
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is legislation that updated and unified data privacy laws across the European Union (EU).
  • general ledger (GL) - A general ledger (GL) is a set of numbered accounts a business uses to keep track of its financial transactions and to prepare financial reports.
  • general-purpose computer - A general-purpose computer is one that, given the application and required time, should be able to perform the most common computing tasks.
  • Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles (the Principles) - Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles is a framework for managing records in a way that supports an organization's immediate and future regulatory, legal, risk mitigation, environmental and operational requirements.
  • Generation Facebook (Generation F) - Generation Facebook (Generation F) is a term used to define millennials who have grown up using social media as their primary networking tool.
  • Generation Z - Generation Z is the demographic cohort following Generation Y -- which is more popularly known as the Millennial Generation.
  • generative adversarial network (GAN) - A generative adversarial network (GAN) is a machine learning (ML) model in which two neural networks compete with each other by using deep learning methods to become more accurate in their predictions.
  • generative design - Generative design is a computer-aided design technique and category of software that uses AI to optimize the design process.
  • generative modeling - Generative modeling is the use of artificial intelligence (AI), statistics and probability in applications to produce a representation or abstraction of observed phenomena or target variables that can be calculated from observations.
  • Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) - Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) is a protocol that encapsulates packets in order to route various protocols over Internet Protocol (IP) networks.
  • genomics - Genomics is the study of human genes and chromosomes.
  • geo-blocking - Geo-blocking is blocking something based on its location.
  • geo-marketing - Geo-marketing is a tool that uses geographic, or location-based, information to help companies put together marketing strategies and campaigns.
  • geofencing - Geofencing is a type of location-based marketing and advertising.
  • geolocation data - Geolocation data is information associated with an electronic device that can be used to identify its physical location.
  • geostationary satellite - A geostationary satellite is an Earth-orbiting satellite placed at an altitude of approximately 22,300 miles or 35,800 kilometers directly above the equator.
  • geothermal cooling - Geothermal cooling is a type of renewable energy system that moves heat from a building to below the earth’s surface, using the ground like a heatsink.
  • GFEBS (General Fund Enterprise Business System) - GFEBS (General Fund Enterprise Business System) is a Web-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for the United States Army.
  • ghost imaging - Ghost imaging, often called cloning, is a software-driven data backup process that copies the contents of a computer hard disk in a single compressed file or set of files, referred to as an image.
  • ghost worker - Ghost worker is a term coined by computer scientist Siddharth Suri and Harvard researcher Mary L.
  • ghosting (in the workplace) - Ghosting is to cease communications without notification.
  • gibibyte (GiB) - A gibibyte (GiB) is a unit of measure of capacity in computing.
  • GID (group ID or global index file) - In a Unix system, a GID (group ID) is a name that associates a system user with other users sharing something in common (perhaps a work project or a department name).
  • gig economy - A gig economy is a free market system in which temporary positions are common and organizations hire independent workers for short-term commitments.
  • gigabit (Gb) - In data communications, a gigabit (Gb) is 1 billion bits, or 1,000,000,000 (that is, 10^9) bits.
  • Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) - Gigabit Ethernet (GbE), a transmission technology based on the Ethernet frame format and protocol used in local area networks (LANs), provides a data rate of 1 billion bits per second, or 1 gigabit (Gb).
  • gigabyte (GB) - A gigabyte (GB) -- pronounced with two hard Gs -- is a unit of data storage capacity that is roughly equivalent to 1 billion bytes.
  • Git - Git is an open source distributed version control system that is available for free under the GNU General Public License version 2.
  • git stash - Git stash is a built-in command that stores, or stashes, changes in the software development tool Git that aren't yet ready to be committed.
  • GitHub - GitHub is a web-based version control and collaboration platform for software developers.
  • GitLab - GitLab is an open source code repository and collaborative development platform.
  • GitOps - GitOps is an operational framework that applies DevOps practices, such as continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) and version control, to infrastructure automation.
  • global catalog (Active Directory) - A global catalog is a data storage source containing partial representations of objects found in a multi-domain Active Directory Domain Services forest.
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) - The GPS (Global Positioning System) is a 'constellation' of approximately 30 well-spaced satellites that orbit the Earth and make it possible for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their geographic location.
  • globalization - Globalization is the process by which ideas, knowledge, information, goods and services spread around the world.
  • GlusterFS (Gluster File System) - GlusterFS (Gluster File System) is an open source distributed file system that can scale out in building-block fashion to store multiple petabytes of data.
  • glyph - In information technology, a glyph -- from a Greek word meaning carving -- is a graphic symbol that provides the appearance or form for a character.
  • Gmail - Gmail (pronounced Gee-mail) is a free web-based email service that provides users with 15 GB of storage for messages and the ability to search for specific messages.
  • GML (Generalized Markup Language) - GML (Generalized Markup Language) is an IBM document-formatting language that describes a document in terms of its organization structure and content parts and their relationship.
  • GMPLS (Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching or Multiprotocol Lambda Switching) - GMPLS (Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching) is a networking technology that enables fast and reliable network switching of data flows on any type of network infrastructure.
  • GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) - GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment, pronounced gah-NOHM) is a graphical user interface (GUI) and set of computer desktop applications for users of the Linux operating system.
  • GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) - The GNU General Public License, often shortened to GNU GPL (or simply GPL), lists terms and conditions for the copying, modification and redistribution of open source software.
  • GNU GRUB - GNU GRUB (or just GRUB) is a boot loader package that supports multiple operating systems on a computer.
  • GNU project - The GNU project is a mass collaborative initiative for the development of free software.
  • GNU/Linux - GNU/Linux is a Unix-like operating system made up of different OS components and services that create the Linux OS.
  • Go programming language - Go, also called Golang or Go language, is an open source programming language that Google developed.
  • go-live (go live) - Go-live is the time at which something becomes available for use.
  • go-to-market strategy (GTM strategy) - A go-to-market strategy (GTM strategy) is an action plan that specifies how a company will reach target customers and achieve competitive advantage.
  • Godwin's law - Godwin's law, also known as Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies, is a statement maintaining that if any online discussion continues long enough, someone will almost certainly compare someone else to Hitler.
  • going dark - Going dark describes a scenario in which communication appears to have ceased, but in reality has just moved from a public communication channel to a private, encrypted channel.
  • gold plating - Gold plating is the practice of making changes to a project that are outside of the original agreed-upon scope.
  • golden image - A golden image is a template for a virtual machine, virtual desktop, server or hard disk drive.
  • golden ratio (golden mean) - The golden ratio is a proportion (roughly 1:1.
  • good automated manufacturing practice (GAMP) - Good automated manufacturing practice (GAMP) is a set of guidelines manufacturers and other automation users follow to maintain operational efficiency and reliability.
  • Google Advertising ID - Google Advertising ID is a piece of universally unique identifier code that allows mobile applications running on Android devices to identify users and gather data for the purposes of building profiles.
  • Google AI - Google AI, formerly known as Google Research, is Google's artificial intelligence (AI) research and development branch for its AI applications.
  • Google Analytics - Google Analytics is a free web analytics service that provides statistics and analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes.
  • Google Android 4.4 KitKat - Android 4.4 KitKat is a version of Google's operating system (OS) for smartphones and tablets.
  • Google App Engine - Google App Engine (GAE) is a platform-as-a-service product that provides web app developers and enterprises with access to Google's scalable hosting and tier 1 internet service.
  • Google Assistant - Google Assistant is Google’s voice assistant AI for Android devices.
  • Google Authenticator - Google Authenticator is a mobile security application that provides a second type of confirmation for websites and online services that use two-factor authentication (2FA) to verify a user's identity before granting him or her access to secure resources.
  • Google Bard - Google Bard is an AI-powered chatbot tool designed by Google to simulate human conversations using natural language processing and machine learning.
  • Google BigQuery - Google BigQuery is a cloud-based big data analytics web service for processing very large read-only data sets.
  • Google Bigtable - Google Bigtable is a distributed, column-oriented data store created by Google Inc.
  • Google Chrome browser - Google Chrome browser is a free web browser used for accessing the internet and running web-based applications.
  • Google Chrome Enterprise - Google Chrome Enterprise is the business-focused solution for Chrome devices, Chrome browser and Chrome OS.
  • Google Chrome OS - Google Chrome OS is an open source lightweight operating system (OS).
  • Google Cloud - Google Cloud is a suite of public cloud computing services offered by Google.
  • Google Cloud Anthos - Google Cloud Anthos is a hybrid, cloud-agnostic container environment.
  • Google Cloud Coldline Storage - Google Cloud Coldline Storage is a public cloud cold storage service for infrequently accessed data.
  • Google Cloud Composer - Cloud Composer is a managed workflow orchestration service that is built on Apache Airflow.
  • Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) - Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) is a cloud service for managing encryption keys for other Google cloud services that enterprises can use to implement cryptographic functions.
  • Google Cloud Nearline Storage - Google Cloud Nearline Storage is a public cloud storage service from Google intended for storing infrequently accessed data.
  • Google Cloud operations (formerly Stackdriver) - Google Stackdriver was a monitoring service that provided IT teams with performance data about applications and virtual machines (VMs) running on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services public cloud.
  • Google Cloud Storage - Google Cloud Storage is an enterprise public cloud storage platform that can house large unstructured data sets.
  • Google Compute Engine - Google Compute Engine (GCE) is an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) offering that allows clients to run workloads on Google's physical hardware.
  • top-of-rack switching

    Top-of-rack switching is a data center architecture design in which computing equipment like servers, appliances and other ...

  • edge device

    An edge device is any piece of hardware that controls data flow at the boundary between two networks.

  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a standard that defines how to establish and maintain a network conversation by which ...

  • Zoombombing

    Zoombombing is a type of cyber-harassment in which an unwanted and uninvited user or group of such users interrupts online ...

  • CISO (chief information security officer)

    The CISO (chief information security officer) is a senior-level executive responsible for developing and implementing an ...

  • cyber attack

    A cyber attack is any malicious attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer, computing system or computer network with the ...

  • globalization

    Globalization is the process by which ideas, knowledge, information, goods and services spread around the world.

  • business process outsourcing (BPO)

    Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a business practice in which an organization contracts with an external service provider to...

  • localization

    Localization is the process of adapting and customizing a product to meet the needs of a specific market, as identified by its ...

  • employee resource group (ERG)

    An employee resource group is a workplace club or more formally realized affinity group organized around a shared interest or ...

  • employee training and development

    Employee training and development is a set of activities and programs designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities of ...

  • employee sentiment analysis

    Employee sentiment analysis is the use of natural language processing and other AI techniques to automatically analyze employee ...

Customer Experience
  • customer profiling

    Customer profiling is the detailed and systematic process of constructing a clear portrait of a company's ideal customer by ...

  • customer insight (consumer insight)

    Customer insight, also known as consumer insight, is the understanding and interpretation of customer data, behaviors and ...

  • buyer persona

    A buyer persona is a composite representation of a specific type of customer in a market segment.
